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Nose to the Ground Issue 011: Synthetic Saddles and Blue Bicycles June 01, 2005 |
Hi This will be different from past issues. No article, no update on what's going on with Your-Guide-to..... Let me explain. Just before Mother's day I was feeling very tired, then there was shortness of breath. A visit to the doctor indicated that the heart was in fine shape but the lungs were not. A few days later I was hospitalized with a severe case of pneumonia coupled with a nasty infection in the fluid surrounding the lung. Surgery was required to get things turned around but now I'm home on the day following Memorial Day facing a rather lengthy recovery.
Skilled, professional and caring physicians and hospital staff took a potentially fatal situation and put me back on the road to recovery. What a blessing. I believe even more strongly in the power of prayer and the power of the Holy Spirit. I can't work with my horses for quite awhile. I don't even yet have the strength to walk to the pasture. But I can watch them. Soon I'll be able to walk to them and in a few weeks groom them. Perhaps I can learn to work with them on some new things with little effort on my part.
On those days when the energy level is low I can just sit in a chair and enjoy lakes and mountains. And I'll have plenty of time to work on the website and on this newsletter, looking for items of value to you.
Have a great June.
Bill Savage Goose Bay Ranch Rollins, Montana
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