For interior or exterior decor there are as many diverse items to choose from as there are artists, featuring such works as steel wall art, weathervanes, lamps, paper towel holders, gate arch decor - about anything else you can think of. We've purchased a few pieces of steel horse art at local arts and craft shows over the years.
One of the artisans we look forward to visiting at these shows is our friend Jerry Morang. Jerry hangs his hat in Clyde Park, a few hours drive from us and a bit north of Livingston, Montana and Yellowstone National Park. He specializes in steel horse art (and other subjects as well) and has done several custom pieces for us. We've been so pleased with his work, especially his latest effort that we wanted to share it with you, at the same time offering a good source should you be on the lookout for this type of art.
Cowboys Under the Bed
A good place to hide a fairly large birthday present is under the bed. I seldom look there. So several birthdays back my wife asked me to check under the bed where I discovered a group of cowboys on horseback. More accurately a steel sihouette of horsemen ( posse?), about a foot high and several feet long, which now is mounted on a wall in our breakfast nook.

The steel subjects are an inch or so offset from the wall providing a striking effect when the morning sun casts their shadows behind.
A Beagle on the Roof
A year earlier it was a steel weathervane as a birthday gift from the wife. Not an equine weathervane (we already had one) but a Beagle silhouette which Jerry had created based upon a photograph of our beagle (editor in chief of our newsletter, Nose to the Ground)
The weathervane is actually a side silhouette as you might expect looking very much like a beagle. "Boo" even growled at it the first time she noticed it. We don't have a picture of it handy so you get Boo in person instead.
A Norwegian Fjord on the Side of the House
Recently we sent Jerry a stylized silhouette of a Norwegian Fjord. He went to work on our idea and not too much later we received a beautiful example of steel horse art measuring roughly 4 feet by 4 feet. On New Year's Eve we mounted it on the west side of our house. Despite the discomfort of working on aluminum ladders in the cold and snow we got the job done rather quickly and want to share the result with you.

We believe you'll agree that it's a very unusual and attractive work of art.
Take a closer look.

Now a steel sculpture, especially a larger wall hanging or a gate arch can weigh a bit. Jerry will let you know about that so that you don't get an unpleasant surprise - like trying to mount a 100 pounds of steel horse art on drywall!
We can't guarantee he'll hand deliver an item to you, as he did once for us, even if you live in Montana, but we do know that he provides very personal service and you won't get any unpleasant surprises. Jerry's web site features fine steel horse art as well as oth
You'll be amazed at the variety fine art in his repertoire. Take in all what he offers and if you wish e-mail him for his brochure Images of Steel . If you have a special idea for steel horse art in mind we know you'd be pleased with the result as we were with our fjord silhouette.
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